• ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Access Controll Panel
  • ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Access Controll Panel
  • ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Biometric Controll Panel
  • ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Biometric Controll Panel
  • ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Biometric Controll Panel
  • ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Biometric Controller


Biometric Access Control Panel

General Features:

◆ID card Capacity: 30000
◆Fingerprint Capacity: 3000
◆Communication: TCP/IP, RS485
◆Access Control Interface for electric lock,door sensor,alarm,exit button, readers
◆More Selection Options: Inbio160 for 1 door, Inbio260 for 2 doors, Inbio460 for 4 doors

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Inbio160/260/460 is a professional IP based biometric access control panel. It can support 3000 Fingeprint capacity, 30000 RFID card capacity and 100000 log capacity. With fingerprint slave readers or RFID readers in the same system, inbio device can realize a high level access control system at low cost.


◆Advanced Built-in Access Control
◆Truly Internal Biometric Identification
◆Big User Capacity: Up to 30000 ID card and 3000 Fingeprint Capacity
◆Professional Access Control Functions: Anti-passback, Access control interface for 3rd party electric lock, door sensor,exit button, alarmand doorbell


Number of doors controller 1 Door 2 Door 4 Door
Numbers of readers
4(2 RS-485 Reader,
2 26-bit wiegand reader)
8(4 RS-485 Reader,
4 26-bit wiegand reader)
12 (8 RS-485 Reader,
4 26-bit wiegand reader)
Types of readers supported 26-bit Wiegand and
RS485 FR Series Reader
26-bit Wiegand and
RS485 FR Series Reader
26-bit Wiegand and
RS485 FR Series Reader
Number of Inputs 3(1 Exit Device and Door Status, 1 AUX) 6( 2 Exit Device, 2 Door Status, 2 AUX) 12( 4 Exit Device, 4 Door Status, 4 AUX)
Number of Outputs 2 (1-Form C Relay for Lock and One
Form C Relay for Aux Output)
4 (2-Form C Relay for Lock and
2-Form C Relay for Aux Output)
8 (4-Form C Relay or Lock and 4-Form
C Relay for Aux Output)
Card holders Capacity 300003000030000
Fingerprint Capacity 3,000 (optional 20,000) 3,000 (optional 20,000) 3,000 (optional 20,000)
Log Events Capacity 100000100000100000
Communication TCP/IP and RS-485 TCP/IP and RS-485 TCP/IP and RS-485
Package Dimension 350(L)×90(H)×300(W)mm 350(L)×90(H)×300(W)mm 350(L)×90(H)×300(W)mm
Package Weight 3.6kg 3.6kg 3.7kg
CPU 32 bit 400MHz CPU 32 bit 400MHz CPU 32 bit 400MHz CPU
RAM 32M 32M 32M
Flash Memory 128M 128M 128M
Power 9.6V-14.4V DC 9.6V-14.4V DC 9.6V-14.4V DC
Operating Temp 0-45 °C 0-45 °C 0-45 °C
Operating Humidity 20% to 80% 20% to 80% 20% to 80%

Access Control Panel Connection Diagram

ZKTeco InBio160/260/460 Biometric Access Control Diagram

QR500 Works with Inbio Access Control Panel

Optional Accessories for Inbio

ZKTeco Inbio160/260/460 Optional Accessories

Access Control System Related Accessories